In order to encourage and motivate brilliant poor students of Odisha wishing to pursue higher professional studies i.e. Engineering, Medical & BDS and other courses, the Government of Odisha provides Scholarship under the e-Medhabruti scheme.

Here,an eligible candidate can get scholarship amount per annum as per the scholarship type they apply and in a year 24544 bright students can avail this scholarship.

The objective of this project is to provide incentive and facilities to meritorious students of Odisha who have secured admission in Technical / Medical institutions inside or outside the state or in the national institutes of repute in accordance with the terms and conditions specified by the Government of Odisha.

OKCL automated the Medhabruti 2014-15 and 2015-16 process under Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha. The process involved online application of students from all over the country followed by online validation of applications from Colleges and Institutions and generation of final merit list. OKCL undertook physical ground survey of all the colleges and institutions in the state of Odisha for generation of Medhabruti College/Institution user profiles. OKCL conducted training for the portal for users including candidates and college login roles apart from preparation of details user guides. OKCL also provided Call Center Support to all the applicants during the whole process for facilitation. Over 90,000 e applications of aspiring students were processed in this manner.